C.'s Hangout
A site made by a teen, for teens to learn about Jesus Christ the Savior!
Welcome to my site! I called it a site for teens, but really anyone can hangout here. I just called it a teenage site 'cause I'm a teen myself.
The devil's latest tool(more so, trap) may be the Internet, but God is still greater and is striking back by using His web-savy vessels as tools also.
I hope you enjoy yourself on this site. I'll be updating it as often as I can. Please pass it on to others, especially those who don't know Jesus. God bless!!!
Who Wants to be Saved?
God: OK Renee'. This is for the grand prize. Remember you don't have anymore lifelines.
Renee': All right. I think I'm ready.
God: Here goes. Who/What can save you from anything?-A. Satan(the devil), B. money, C. Jesus/faith in Jesus, D. worldly stuff(drugs, sexual impurity, insulting people, false religions, hypocrisy, and other evils of the like)
Renee': Hmm. Well Satan is a liar and a liar can't save anyone. Plus all he really wants to do is kill me, so I guess he can't/ won't save me.
God: True.
Renee': Money is great, but it can only go so far. Along with that, I can't buy my way into heaven and money won't save me from hell.
God: True again.
Renee': Now Jesus is the man! Not only did he always obey You, but he healed sick people with just one touch, turned water into wine, made a blind man see, even raised a man from the dead. On top of all that, he was hung and died on a cross to save every person on this earth from their shameful faults. And the best part is that he himself rose from the dead! He would always say, "Have faith in me and you'll live."
God: True also. My Son is very popular.
Renee': Last, worldly stuff feels good when you're doing it, but a bad consequence will come from doing them. The level of bad consequences from them can even go all the way to death. Which is exactly why Satan would want for me to do those things.
God: Have you made a decision?
Renee': Yes, I think so. I choose C.Jesus/faith in Jesus.
God: Final answer?
Renee': Final answer.
God: Renee'...you've done it!! You've won the grand prize of eternal life and a home in heaven!! My son is the way the truth and the life. The only way to me is through him. He's the only one that can save you.
Renee': Thank you Jesus!!
The great thing about this prize is that you don't need to go on a game show to get it. So now I encourage you, make Jesus your final answer!!
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23